Why We Exist
Government of Belize (GoB) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) signed a “blue bond” debt conversion agreement enabling the country to reduce its debt burden and increase its investment in marine conservation.
Our Vision
A healthy, resilient, and equitably shared ocean that supports a thriving national economy and nurtures the culture and well-being of all Belizeans.
Our Over Arching Goal
To enact and publish legislation required to legally enforce the Marine Spatial Plan that guides sustainable development and designates up to 30% of Belize’s ocean as Biodiversity Protection Zones.
About BSOP
Government of Belize (GoB) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) signed a “blue bond” debt conversion agreement enabling the country to reduce its debt burden and increase its investment in marine conservation. Key milestones including the development, approval, and implementation of a Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) have been outlined in the Conservation Commitments under the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA).
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a comprehensive and strategic process of analysing the uses of Belize’s ocean in order to coordinate where activities occur. The process addresses many sectors, exploring their complementarities and conflicts to create measures to guide the many uses of marine resources. MSP is intended to be complementary to the existing management structures, and in Belize’s case, will add new elements to sectoral management measures to aid the country in achieving its environmental, economic, and social objectives. One of the main outputs of the planning process is the allocation of space, or zones, designated for a particular use.
The MSP, as defined in Clause 7 of the Conservation Funding Agreement is “a plan analysing and allocating parts of three-dimensional marine spaces (or ecosystems) to specific uses or objectives in order to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives that are specified through a political process”. The Belize MSP process includes identifying Biodiversity Protection Zones through an inclusive, transparent, equitable, science-based participatory and interactive process. The goal of designating up to 30% of Belize’s Ocean in Biodiversity Protection Zones will be part of the overall MSP design such that the Biodiversity Protection Zones identified will facilitate achievement of Milestone 4 and 6.
Our Goals
Goal 1: Process Governance Goal
To design and implement a science-based, data-driven, participatory, equitable, and inclusive MSP process which delivers on Belize’s MSP-related commitments under the Blue Loan Agreement and Conservation Funding Agreement, in conformance with the guiding principles for decision making.
Specific Objective 1 – Design and execute the process of developing a legally enforceable Marine Spatial Plan for Belize’s Ocean by November 2026.
Specific Objective 2 – Develop and implement the necessary mechanisms, processes, and procedures to ensure that the MSP process is functional, effective, and in accordance with the governance framework.
Specific Objective 3 – Develop and implement a communication strategy and plan to foster public understanding and support throughout the MSP process.
Goal 2: Marine Conservation Goal
To legally protect up to 30% of Belize’s Oceans as Biodiversity Protection Zones.
Specific Objective 1 – Design Biodiversity Protection Zones to protect priority habitats, areas, and species identified through the MSP process, integrating climate resilient safeguards.
Specific Objective 2 – Strengthen the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network in conformance with national governance frameworks and ecological, economic, social, and cultural criteria set forth by the IUCN.
Specific Objective 3 – By November 3rd 2026, sign into law and Gazette Biodiversity Protection Zones covering up to 30% of Belize’s Ocean space using a phased approach.
Specific Objective 4 – By November 3rd 2026, complete, enact and publish legislation(s) to legally enforce the Marine Spatial Plan
Specific Objective 5 – By November 3rd 2029, develop legally enforceable Management Plans for Belize’s Biodiversity Protection Zones as described in the MSP.
Specific Objective 6 – Within one year of Cabinet’s endorsement, commence implementation of legally enforceable management plans for Belize’s Biodiversity Protection Zones.
Goal 3: Blue Economy Goal
To support the sustainable growth and development of Belize’s blue economy in alignment with legislation, policy, and planning frameworks
Specific Objective 1 – Identify and evaluate ocean spaces for their functional suitability to support projected sustainable expansion and management of traditional, existing, and emerging economic uses.
Specific Objective 2 – Map, measure, and monitor blue carbon ecosystems to meet conservation targets and leverage conservation financing opportunities.
Goal 4: Equity Goal
To ensure fair and equitable access for all Belizeans to benefits derived from ocean resources and spaces, with respect for traditional social, environmental, cultural and economic uses.
Specific Objective 1 – Between August 2022 and November 2026, implement a stakeholder engagement plan ensuring that 75% of quarterly targets for engaging with key multi-sectoral interest groups are met.
Specific Objective 2 – Identify cultural, indigenous, social, and economic uses, through stakeholder engagement, to determine the allocation of ocean spaces to safeguard community traditions, livelihoods, and participation in emerging sustainable economic activities.
Our MSP Process
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a comprehensive and strategic process of analysing the uses of Belize’s ocean in order to coordinate where activities occur.
Scientific & Policy Assessments
Legalisation & Policy Framework Assessment to be conducted
Stakeholder Engagement
- Launch of the Process (2022)
- Community Outreach Sensitization Meeting
- Awareness campaignMarine Spatial Plan Development
- Vision, Overarching goals and objectives for the process developed and approved
- Be in accordance with international best practices: IOC-UNESCO 2009 Guide, “Marine Spatial - -Planning - A Step-by-Step Approach toward Ecosystem-based Management.”
- Zones and data layers to be developedMarine Spatial Plan Adoption
-Biodiversity Protection Zones up to 30% to be signed into law and Gazetted, with at least 15% in High Protection for Biodiversity Zones and at least 15 % in Medium Protection for Biodiversity Zones
-Final MSP to be enact and published to legally enforce the legislation(s)Implementation & Monitoring
- Develop legally enforceable Management Plans for Belize’s Biodiversity Protection Zones
- Monitoring and enforcement