Technical Working Groups Inaugural Meeting

On March 30th, the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute held it’s Belize Sustainable Ocean Plan (BSOP) Technical Working Groups (TWGs) Inaugural Meeting at the Best Western Plus, Belize Biltmore Plaza. The meeting introduced the members to the Blue Bonds Agreement, the Conservation Funding Agreement and the TWGs Terms of Reference. Presentations were made by Mr. Samir Rosado the MSP Process Lead, Ms. Janel McNab the MSP Coordinator both of CZMAI and Mr. Belizario Carballo the Technical Officer of the Blue Bonds & Finance Permanence Unit.

The TWGs consists of seven sectors covering areas of, Energy, Finance and Investment, Fisheries inclusive of Aquaculture, Marine and Coastal Development, Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, Maritime Administration and Tourism. The TWGs will provides technical and sectoral information, local knowledge and topic expertise to inform the development of planning tools and draft outputs during the MSP process. 



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